
Beans, Beans, We're Mermaid Queens...


"A good bean is hard to find. Everything else is easy."
—Sister Ruby Rosarita Mermaid


Glas said...

I'm a new reader - and I'm captivated! How can one become a church member? I already feel like an old mermaid! I live in Washington, too,so if you decide to have a celebration, I'm all for it! Thanks for your wonderful stories!


Kim Antieau said...

You are part of the Church of the Old Mermaids right now! You are most certainly an Old Mermaid. Welcome, welcome!

Junie Moon said...

I love all the Old Mermaid sayings--I think about each one and it's like a little light suddenly shines because the meaning behind the most simple little statements helps me see things in a different light.